20 May 2011

Italian Strawberry Tart

So this recipe I have been making for a while now. Probably since since I was 13 or something to be exact. It was a little newspaper cut out that I found in an old recipe box. And I still love it to this day. The cinnamon-y cake. The way you are supposed to push down the strawberries so some of them get encased in the cake, making them little surprises when you bit into it. The fact that I found a cake recipe that I adore that doesn't have frosting. (I used to think there was no point to a cake if it did not have a mound of buttercream atop it.)

My butter of course was not 'softened' probably. Because I made this cake spur of the moment. So I had to microwave it. So it came out a bit lumpy in the batter. It still tasted amazing as ever so, their really isn't much of a chance of screwing this cake up.

A reason why I love thrift store:
I just found Mastering The art of French Cooking, a 50$ amazon purchase that I had been putting off, for 4$. And it is in pristine condition. I saw it, immediately recognizing it from the little white and red print on the outside. I remember seeing Julia Child's cooking shows on TV when I was little thinking, Who is this tall woman with the strange voice. Watching them, not realizing that she was a master. Also wondering why she did so much cooking and not all baking like my favorite show, Chocolate with Jacques Torres. I now appreciate your greatness Julia.

Gosh, did you look and see what time this was posted? Oh yes, you read right, it is a post before 5 am. They are working me a new shift at my job. So I now have to leave my house at 5:30 am. Its nice because I will actually get off at a time where the sun is still out and I can bake my little heart out the moment I get home. But wow it is strange to be so productive at 4 something in the morning. Coffee coffee coffee.

Off to work, happy weekend!


Finla said...

Wowo this cake looks so so good. Bookmarking them.

Lynn said...

Oh, this looks amazing! I have some strawberries just waiting to be made into this cake!

BeeMore said...

Yum! I would love to make this but I'll wait a little longer for the ripe strawberries to hit town.

mary kate said...

looks delicious and we just got strawberries so i'll have to try this out soon.

Sunday's Kitchen said...

Bellissima!!! This cake looks delicious and the pictures are beautiful
I love your blog!!!

Bianca said...

I love this cake- and I havent even tasted it. You had me at hello with the strawberries!

Kelly Sterling said...

This recipe looks great, I'm always looking for new recipes to use strawberries in. I love that you've been cooking this for so long!
Julia's the BEST, and it always was a bonus when her and Jacques baked together! Fun post, thanks for sharing.

Ruth said...

Great recipe and great presentation - I love the strawberries peeping out of the top!

Amanda- Eating in Winnipeg said...

Happy weekend! Don't forget to come over and share a recipe at Savory Sunday!!

Unknown said...

This was delicious! Especially with a dollop of tart vanilla yogurt. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

Salwa said...

Love the look of this cake. I've been wanting to bake something to endear myself to new neighbors but wanted something un-fussy. This is such a great alternative to banana bread. Speaking of other fruit, have you tried it with anything else (banana, peach, apple)?

Anonymous said...

This was delicious!I'll wait a little longer for the ripe strawberries to hit town.
lead generation systemlegal bud

Me And My Sweets said...

The cake looks absolutely amazing!!

Alejandro Luisi said...

Lovely tart and incredible photos! would you marry me? :)
kisses from the bottom of buenos aires


Anonymous said...

I notice most of the comments are from people who haven't baked the cake. I had to bake it approximately 20 minutes more than what was stated. It tastes very good, though.

Viktoriya said...

This is my 2nd time making tis cake...it was very good and my husband, who normally doesn't like sweets, loved it!

Megan said...

I made this gluten free (with a mixture of potato starches, almond, dash of millet and coconut) and I had to hide it from the family so I could have it all to myself, it was so good! D:

The strawberries I got were pretty but flavorless, but they added a great texture to the cake. Next time I may use honey to sweeten and/or add MORE strawberries (can never have enough, right?)

Unknown said...

I made it twice for the past two days and..oh my! It's one of my favourite desserts now! Thanks for the awesomness and for the sharing! ^^

*For those who are wondering if they should try...Go to the kitchen! NOW! (:

Amine said...

looks lovely I'm trying it now if it turns out okay can I then post a blog about it on my blog with translation in Dutch and of course a link to your site?

Anonymous said...

This is delicious! It's not too sweet and the hint of cinnamon is perfect! I had extra strawberries and wanted to use them up. This was a perfect way to accomplish that. Thanks for posting this recipe. This is definitely a keeper!