10 October 2012

Damaged Film, Part 2

A long delayed part 2



My friend Raoul came to visit a while back. To catch up after not seeing each other since I left college and to interview me for Vhcle magazine, in which he works for. 
Check out the photos and interview in their Fall Issue HERE







GALaxy said...

I know you're calling this your damaged film, but I really love how they turned out. I especially love the second food photo with the egg bowl and butter. It's got a real spooky quality to it or almost like I could reach out and grab the bowl. There's just something about it that I really love. (I keep scrolling back up just to stare at it. Gah!)

Steph (desserts for breakfast) said...

love the damaged film.

Mikayla Sweitzer said...

you're so insanely talented.

laura g said...

oh lovely images; especially the dickel vase. beautiful colours! x

Magda said...

Such beauty from a damaged film. They're wonderful shots.

Margherita said...

I just so love these pictures taken with the damaged film. They're so romantic, I just love 'em

Unknown said...

The interview with Vhcle was great! It was interesting to read a little bit about your process. And, of course, all the images were lovely!

Unknown said...

So pretty! The grain gives the photos so much more.

Joy said...

again these are so beautiful! please keep them coming.

christelle is flabbergasting said...

This damaged film produces fairtyales-like pictures!

Laura Dembowski said...

Your photos are so wonderful! I love seeing them :)

dobrya said...

these are really beautiful.

Simple Living Los Angeles said...

I second the insanely talented statement!

Linda said...

The first photo is PERFECTION!

Cathy Trails said...

Haunting, gorgeous, magical photos!

Cathy Trails

Girl In An Apron said...

I am in love with these photos. Thank you for posting! Absolutely gorgeous!

Emilie's daughter said...

Magic! Christa

Buckaroo Barbie said...

I hate to just repeat what everyone else has said, but these photos were so lovely I had to tell you! Beautiful! And I've been following you for a while now, love it and keep it up! :)

leetal. arazi. said...

i just love the first and second pictures. AMAZING.