19 April 2011

Creme Egg Cake

Cadbury Creme Eggs. They are pretty much the best thing about Easter. I have been eating them for about 2 months now already and it's not even Easter yet. So when I saw the design for a cake shaped like it, I knew I had to make it. It doesn't taste like a creme egg, who could replicate the one of a kind gooey center? It is still very tasty and fun for the Easter table.

White cake, vanilla buttercream and chocolate ganache. Simple but a great combination. This makes a very large cake and even a small piece is very filling, and thats saying a lot from me who can eat sugar all day and night. But it seemed to last in the fridge for a while. It has been in our for a week now and it still tastes great. 

Yum, chocolate ganache. A lot spilled over the sides for me, so I just scooped it up, put it back in the bowl and continued to use it. I had some extra left over too, so I froze it and then scooped  it ito little balls to make truffles. Just roll them in cocoa powder and they are ready to eat, just keep them in the fridge or freezer otherwise you will have a mess on your hands. 

Ok so the yellow center is not really in the center of the cake. I probably should have done the 5 layers, made the hole, filled it and then topped it with the 6th layer. Oh well, I will know for next time and now you know!

Martha Recipes
Design here


Diana said...

This looks amazing! I love your blog and it's gorgeous pictures along with the flawless recipes!

alexthepink said...

Wow, this looks awesome! Glad I inspired you!

Anonymous said...

love it, i have to try it

Ruth said...

This looks awesome. I've bookmarked it. Who knows, maybe I'll even have time to make it this weekend!

Katie said...

I would definitely not be opposed to that making an appearance on my Easter table.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm in love.

LimeCake said...

That is just so beautiful! And it looks darned delicious!

Ernestina Causse said...

Congratulations!! Beautiful blog!

Bourbonnatrix said...

very cute. i love the way you posted the recipe too :)

susan said...

just found you and glad i have! gorgeous cake, lovely photos!!!

The Food Hunter said...

Wonderful pictures...this cake sounds delicious.

Unknown said...

it's like a dream come true! w o n d e r f u l !

Buddi said...

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very cute. i love the way you posted the recipe too :)

Avocatchocolat said...

aïe , Aïe... top yummy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your sharing!I like.
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