12 March 2012

day with my dad

I went out with my Dad a few weekends ago to go to the Cowgirl Creamery in Point Reyes. So we made it there only to find out that it was the one weekend they were closed to do a massive clean out of the entire market place. 

So we ended up wandering around their Main St, the surrounding towns and many many cheese shops.

Sorry for the lack of writing in this post, gotta pick up my parents from the airport. A recipe next post!







The best scone my dad said he had ever had at a bakery in point Reyes.


On our way up to Mt Tamalpais




Rose Petal Sugar I found at nicasio valley cheese company



I made a cheese plate from all the cheeses I got, and the peppered cheese in the middle is a goat cheese log I made.





peppered brie

tiny apples and homemade cranberry marmalade 

We stopped by Trader Joes on our way home, I loved the packaging for these tomatoes




Athena said...

Love the photos, the rose petal sugar looks interesting. Missed seeing you post these last few weeks!

Natashia said...

Wow, what I would give to eat some brie and homemade cranberry marmalade!

Anonymous said...

You visit the most beautiful places, and I love that you share my love of cheese.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos!

Steph (desserts for breakfast) said...

oh, i love your odd-shaped wood board!

Eva {not your mama's dinner} said...

I absolutely love everything about these pictures! You're so flippin' talented!

Nina Designs + Parties said...

Beautiful photos! And all those lovely fresh ingredients!

Elizabeth said...

Organic garlic is SO much better than regular garlic!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing day! Sounds like one my dad and I would have (if we lived on the west coast) -- we actually sound quite similar to you two in all these respects. He and I now live hundreds of miles apart. I'm envious of you! What bakery is that scone from?



thelittleloaf said...

Gorgeous gorgeous pics! With photos like that, who needs words? :-)

Julie Marie said...

Heather: thanks! I just remembered the name, it's Bovine Bakery

Unknown said...

J'adore tes photos, tes prises de vues sont superbes Julie ! J'ai hâte au prochain post ♡

Inés said...

Gorgeous, inspiring pictures, and that brie cheese...o heart be still...

Big hugs!


Amalia said...

Amazing photos! All that beautiful cheese is making my head spin, I need some!! That peppered brie...holy cow! (literally, haha!)

Great post as always,

Bev Sykes said...

I haven't been to Pt. Reyes in years. My grandparents lived in Inverness, so I knew it from the 1950s. Beautiful area. There is a fabulous B&B in Pt. Reyes,where we stayed about 15 years ago.

Amy - Bead Bash said...

Mmmmm, it's lunch time here - I think I'm going to go have cheese now!

Kim Black said...

Miss Julie Craig, gorgeous photos as always....this makes me really miss the Bay Area! Point Reyes is one of my favorite places ever. Beautiful blog! :)

Unknown said...

che meravigliose foto e che delizie! complimenti, un bacio :)

Courtney Snook said...

Great photos! It looks like you and your dad had lots of fun :)
Rose petal sugar sounds amazing, and those tomatoes are flawless!

uknowme said...

So pretty. I love the feet!
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