03 May 2012

vanilla bean bundt with jam & a baby with bunnies


I made a vanilla bean bundt cake. And smothered the pieces with jam.


What made this cake special, well besides the vanilla beans, was the demerara sugar and mostly heavy cream instead of milk. It made the cake really rich and moist but not overly sweet. I had found the sugar at my local grocery store, on clearance because whenever they stock fancier things no one seems to be daring enough to buy them. I guess its an unrefined type of brown sugar, says Wikipedia. It didn't have that strong molasses taste that I get from my normal brown sugar. I don't know what it was, but it made the cake taste amazing. THIS was the brand I used.




Figgy Jam, with big chunks of fig still in it. Such an amazing topper for this cake. Definitely a change of pace in a good way from the normal buttercreams I would typically do. Made it perfect for a decadent breakfast treat. 



I also made brown butter madeleines. They were ok. Completely fine for a snack but there was something off with them. I have yet to be able to make madeleines that I am happy with. The bottoms always get brown so fast. Stick to the pan no matter if I butter/flour, cooking spray, whatever it. The edges get far to crispy. Hmm the search continues.  




This past weekend I took photos of my baby cousin, the little muffin (what we all call her now) Alana. Her big puffy cheeks, those insanely adorable chubby baby arms. So cute. She's my little love. Everytime I see her, I just go 'Muffin!' and scoop her up into my arms. She is the first baby on my mom's side of the family since me. I love this little kid more than I ever thought I would.


Baby cousin with baby bunnies.

Christina grabbed a rose to be in the photo with Alana. Alana preferred to try to eat it.



My favorite photo by far. Christina is just slightly in the frame, trying to get the sweet little muffin to smile for the photos. Little Alana's big red cheeks. Love.


Unknown said...

Ok... first there's the bundt cake, which looks amazing... and then I get overwhelmed with cuteness by a baby AND bunnies!!!!! So so adorable! It doesn't get any cuter than that :o)

Jillian Nicole said...

Oh my goodness, she is a doll! Those cheeks are just too cute--no wonder you're in love!:)

S said...

Aww those cheeks :)

mr. pineapple man said...

New Follower! Love the title of your blog- so true, love the bundt cake-yum, and love the pics of Christina with the bunnies- too cute!!

Anonymous said...

your photos literally make me drool (and go awwww, in this case, that is one cute kid)!

Laura Dembowski said...

The cake looks great. Of course, the photos of the baby and bunnies are sooo cute!

Heidi @foodiecrush said...

ahh, bundt cakes always have a soft spot in my heart, probably because that was the only type of cake my mom baked when I was a child, and only for birthdays. This looks delish and I'll have to search out the demerara sugar. And your niece? You may have to start a baby blog with that little model!

MoonFaCe said...

your cousin is really adorable...I can squeeze her cheeks right now :)
the cake looks absolutely delicious...I love fig jam too !

sarah said...

Hey there! Great post, cute kiddo and bunnies lucky lady!

Here is my no-fail perfectly brown around the edges super moist madeline recipe: (go a head I dare you to bake them)
1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter (6 ounces)
Plus more for pan
3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour, plus more for pan
4 large eggs
a pinch fine-grain sea salt
2/3 cups sugar
zest of one large lemon, or 3 small Myer lemons
1 teaspoon vanilla extract, or scrape a bean
powdered sugar for dusting

Brown your butter slowly. Strain off the chunks, and slightly cool so it's still runny.

Mix your liquids, then your dry. Fold ever so lightly. It will be runny.

Ladel into flowered and greased madeline pan.

Bake at 350, middle rack, for about 20 mins.

Shake pan to release.

I mean super grease that pan- or spray it to heck with non stick spray.

Dust with powdered sugar when cool.

You will love, love, love them.

Cathy Trails said...

What lovely pictures of this delicate cake! Love Bonne Mamam anything. Love the baby girls' chubby cheeks, such a cutie. Never thought photos of food would excite me this much! Wow!

Cathy Trails

Julie Marie said...

Thanks so much for the recipe!

thelittleloaf said...

That cake looks so wonderfully moist and delicious - the perfect vehicle for a big dollop of jam. Yum!

Rebecca said...

Julie Marie,

I just want to say I've been following your blog for a while and love it although I don't think I've never commented so far, so it was time !
I also re-blog photos you took from time to time (with proper credit of course) cause they look so gorgeous.
So thank you, really, fo the inspiring and mouthwatering content !

Also, I have yet to bake a bundt cake, and oooh this one looks delicious !

Have a lovely sunday !

Rebecca said...

Also, I havent tried this recipe that I just found now,
but it's the one from Blé Sucré in Paris, a bakery that makes the best madeleines I have EVER tasted.
If the recipe is true to what they sell, it will knock your socks off !

Christina Topf-Boman said...

You did a beautiful job of capturing our little "muffin" on film!!! Thank you and I hope you like your butter dish-hope to see it featured in your pictures soon!!

Me And My Sweets said...

Yum Yum!!!

I'll host a party every month with a different theme and would love you to join! Please visit my blog for more information on "My Sweet Party" post uploaded 2nd of May. The link up is open during the entire month of May and the theme for May is CHOCOLATE.


Also, I have nominated you for the Sunshine and Kreative Blogger Award. I really like your blog and recipes.



This cake looks amazing!!! I was trying to pin it to my Pinterest boards so I could reference to this recipe later but it won't let me :(

A | V // vintage blog

Twinks said...

Miss Julie Marie, the cake sounds absolutely delicious. And the pictures of "the little muffin" are so beautiful. She looks like a bundle of joy!!!! Thank you for sharing your "love" with us. Twinks

Mike said...

Love, love, love your version of the white bundt cake...can't wait to try it!

Anonymous said...

The cake sounds and looks delicious! cake spread with jam; Why did I never think of that!?
Little muffin is such a cutie!

Jackie said...


What size bundt pan did you use for this recipe.

Anonymous said...

sometimes i think the simple recipes are the best...the cake looks delicious!
and those cheeks!! so cute, i want to pinch them!

Unknown said...

what a wonderful post!
yummy cake, beautiful baby and bunnies!!
just found your blog, it all looks delicious, going to sit down with a cup fo tea and look through your recipes.

Jenny Watson said...

So cute baby. With a very good recipe and a very cute girl the photographs really seems fantastic. Alana with bunnies is the best one. Oh she is also eating the rose.