20 June 2012

forgotten photos







These are forgotten photos. Photos that I took probably months ago. They made it onto my computer, but the process of editing was taking too long one day, nothing would save, so I gave up and left it for another day. But that day never came. I took new photos, these were in an ambiguously labeled file and weren't to be seen again. Until now!

The first photos are of a quick tomato tart I made one day. It was just something quick to snack on with some wonderful tomatoes I had gotten from the market. It's puff pastry, filled with layers of tomatoes, salt & pepper and generous amounts of thyme. It is simple, quick and tasted wonderful. Fresh, light and the puff came out nice and crispy.

The second set:










Photos from the SF Market when I went one Saturday. I was wondering around all day, just taking photos and buying little bits to snack on. 

Now off to bed, because I now have to wake up at 1:40am! to get to work at 3. What is even the point of going to bed right? Thinking I should just change my sleep schedule to sleep right after work, when I am actually tired. Rather than forcing myself to stay awake then not being able to sleep so early at night. 


Callie Grayson said...

Gorgeous shots! I have tons of to atones on my plants right now, so I am looking for good recipes and this looks delish, so I will be trying it very soon.... They are about to turn colour!
Wow 140 that is way to early, I thought getting up a 400 was early.

Robyn said...

yes-maybe your sleep schedule needs changing-that will hurt!

Great photo. The tomatoes look fantastic

twinks943@comcast.net said...

Simply beautiful photos - the detail is magnificent! I love looking at all your pictures; keep up the good work. Maybe some day you will publish a book of them. Hope so.....along with some recipes. Never saw tomatoes like those; almost look like ruffles!

Unknown said...

Great photos! That tomato tart looks delicious; I really need to learn how to make dishes like that. Thanks for sharing!



Anonymous said...

Such beautiful photos! I can't wait for my heirloom tomatoes to ripen so that I can make my own version of that gorgeous open tart. Crazy that it is winter here and we still have garden fresh tomatoes :)

Anya said...

Those photos are amazing! I love the first one, it's cute. Keep up that good work!

Unknown said...

Your pictures are so stunning!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I would frame these and hang them in my kitchen - just beautiful!

Jenny @ BAKE said...

Those tomatoes are gorgeous! I can't wait to go a farmers market this weekend!

Sue/the view from great island said...

This is a fun idea for a post, it's a shame to let great photos languish on the computer!

Cathy Trails said...

Wow! The photos you take of food are ALWAYS so breath-taking. They literally jump out of the picture!! Cathy Trails

Anna Scandinavian Cottage said...

Nevertheless; They are beautiful images and I'm glad you put them up!
Thanks for sharing :)

dervla @ The Curator said...

your photographs are gorgeous! Beautifully propped.

MoonFaCe said...

Beautiful ...beautiful pictures. Yes, editing photos is no fun.
Wow, you wake up at 1:40..it's not even my bed time yet ! I hope it's worth it.

thecitygourmand said...

Those heirloom tomatoes rock my world. I've written my 2c here: http://thecitygourmand.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/my-hungarian-oxheart-and-other-spoils.html

Laura Dembowski said...

Love all the photos of fresh produce and flowers from the farmers' market. I wish my local farmers' market had that many great products.

susan said...

that tomato tart in that little pan looks so appealing. I love heirlooms and this tart is the a great way to showcase the juiciness!