31 July 2012

one roll

One Roll. 16 images. 
No hiding the bad shots, here are all of them.

This is my first roll shot with my new, to me, actually used, 645 camera. The same one I used in school and would hoard the whole semester, never wanting to give it back.

Things from my shelf:




oneroll_6 oneroll_5


Spoons from my Great Great Aunt:


Garlic from my last CSA box:

oneroll_10 oneroll_9





and the roll came in today! I am so much more motivated with film than digital. I had to scan the negatives the minute the package came in the mail. I couldn't wait. I think the little screen on the back of a digital camera ruins it for me. The excitement of loading the files onto the computer is lost when you have been staring at the same image on a little screen over and over.


dervla @ The Curator said...

these are beautiful! Really. I don't think there are any bad shots in the roll!

kyleen said...

I can't believe you did this on film! I took photography class sophomore and junior year and although the teacher was kind of not the greatest (thank goodness I'm not taking it next year), I loved playing with the film cameras. You've inspired me to experiment with film again.

Athena said...

Wow. I'm speechless. I take it Photoworks is a good place to send my film? Happy you have your hands on your favorite camera. p.s. no luck finding a scanner with a reasonable price tag, still looking...

Julie Marie said...

Athena: Yup, photoworks was great! I wish there was a place like that around me so I didnt have to ship it over to them...

Joy said...

these are beautiful. specially the onion ones!

gfs said...

stunning, no bad shots in there at all. I agree, there's something wonderful about film, so much more depth to it and I little bit more romanitc!

thecitygourmand said...

You know what's nice about those macro shots - the detail that comes out from that table! Lovely work :)

Libby Irving said...

Wow, these are wonderful! Your photos are always so clean and crisp, and I love that these are all on film!

Katherine @ eggton said...

The second to last garlic image is phenomenal. I photographed garlic from my CSA share in my last post and this puts me to shame. Really gorgeous!

Ashley Moore said...

These photos are beautiful! I love the series with the garlic. What a fantastic idea! The first image is probably my favorite though. :)

Connie said...

Beautiful shots! I'm totally inspired to shoot with my old film camera now.

Cathy Trails said...

Absolutely stunning shots! Alana is a super cutie.

Cathy Trails

Rhubarbarians said...

These are totally gorgeous! I really love the garlic shots. Also, I am so fond of when bloggers post mistakes as well as perfection. It reminds me that NONE of us are perfect.
Nicely done!


Unknown said...

these are beautiful! the one of the spoons is my favorite

Amanda said...

I am always impressed with your photography. I envy it and aspire to one day shoot even just a smidgen like you. All the photos are gorgeous and so is that little girl of yours!

twinks said...

Love the 4th picture of Alana the best, but they are all good of her! And the still shots of the garlic are great - the detail!!!!!
Keep up the good work!! love looking at your pictures.....I'd like to see a series on leaves taken in the Fall; I bet you could capture every detail of them!!

Anonymous said...

I'm an avid follower of your blog and happy to see you shooting some film! my contax 645 is my favorite camera...and I send all my film for processing + scanning to pro photo connection in irvine - they do a great job!

diablo 3 power leveling said...

wonderful pics!!!! really country side influence, love your own attire so chic and beautiful!!!

Margherita said...

Not a single bad shot in the roll: what about that!

kankana said...

If ever I get my hands on my dad's roll camera I would know whom to get in touch with for some lesson! Those spoons are gorgeous and all the photos are so stunning. Just says how amazing you are at your photography skills!

Brigette Olmos-Arreola said...

beautiful shots! there is something so special about film!

kourtney said...

great shots! what film was this roll?

Aurora said...

I love your aunts' spoons :D

Courtney Snook said...

Beautiful shots! The first and last photos are my favourites :)

Vera Zecevic – Cupcakes Garden said...

Great images! I like the one with cookbook ! It look so vintage :)

Helen @ Blue Eyed Beauty Blog said...

I love the spoons! They are so unique!

Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

Unknown said...

lovely baby~ haha...

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