17 August 2012

the internet.

I finally have the internet at my new place! I am so excited! It has been a long and treacherous week without being able to go online, look at blogs, find new recipes, watch shows.
A blogger without the internet, yes I didn't know what to do with myself. An iPhone will not always suffice, especially after the new intern at work knocks it into a big batch of muffin batter.

That is it, my exciting news of the day.

And here are a few more scans from the second roll of film I got developed. The first two are from when I when to brunch with Stephanie, Desserts for Breakfast, and Jackie, A Happy Day.

These were the only two film photos I took that day. They both were taking photos like crazy yet I for some reason got that 'meeting new people, awkwardness taking over, can't take photos' feeling. But I love these two shots and should have taken more.



The other shot is one I had taken of flowers on some random street in St. Helena after one of my first days of work. Now those same flowers are right across from where I live.


*all three are shot with a 6x6 camera on expired film


Steph (desserts for breakfast) said...

haha, if you mean "taking photos like crazy" to be 10 frames, which is about all I got from that morning.

<3 your three frames!

NIM said...

I love your pictures! And film photography is so difficult and frustrating! If you get the time please visit my blog too :)


Jessica said...

Those photos are stunning! I would love to try film photography one day. :)

Margherita said...

I love the use of expired film, the colors just look amazing with it. And there's a sort of unexpected result one don't know about it.

tartandsweet said...

Wow, those two breakfast photos are gorgeous. Long live film!

Sue/the view from great island said...

Welcome back to the Internet---I go bonkers when I'm Internet deprived!

Anna Scandinavian Cottage said...

I Love 6x6! brilliant shots!

Anonymous said...

These are all gorgeous photos! I want to experiment with film, but the price & uncertainty has always put me off. They really do have a magical feeling to them.

Anonymous said...

Love these shots! They're all gorgeous.

Cathy Trails said...

Oh man, to be a blogger without the internet is just brutal. Glad to hear it's back up! Your photos are lovely as always!

Cathy Trails

Christine said...

The ambiance you've captured is just sooo lovely -- these photos remind me how much I love film even though it can be so frustrating!

Anonymous said...

love the second picture! :D

Jacqueline said...

just saw this! and haha at the "meeting new people, awkwardness taking over" feeling -- i totally feel ya. i guess i must've felt the same thing; i literally took 7 photos that day, which is like nothing for me.

anyway, great shots. :)

Miranda said...

Lovely photos. I am a film user also. Have never gone digital. I hope film (and film processing) will be around as long as I'm alive.

BTW, how long past the expiration date was the film you used? I always wonder if it's "OK" to use older film. Your photos prove that it is! (still interested to know just HOW old, though!)

Julie Marie said...

@ miranda: thank you!
I'm not sure how old mine was, probably 5-10 years old. I've never had a problem with expired film. I've used ones that were seriously 20 years expired and they are fine.

Miranda said...

Thank YOU! This is a revelation, to be sure. Also very liberating. :-) I'm eager to try it, based on your inspiration. Thanks again!