28 September 2012

Damaged Film. Part 1

So I shot two rolls of film on my 645 camera. I couldn't wait to get the negatives back. I had found a film developing shop in St Helena that still did 120 film. Couldn't be more excited, with results in an hour too! 

But then I got the film back. I didn't really look at the rolls in the store, just rushed home so I could scan them. So when I actually looked at the negatives, their was developer solution all still on one side then the finishing solution all down the other. Scratches were everywhere. Seriously? They abused the film.

These are the results. The effect isn't too bad, and I tried to clean them up as much as I could. 

Acorn Squash




Andy Warhol Soup Cans



Dinner at Gotts






Anna said...

oh man... that damage is beautiful.

Connie said...

How annoying is that! The scratches impart some loveliness though. Great shots!

Mike said...

If this is what damages does then it's worth damaging all films. AMAZING!

Natashia said...

I can see how that is frustrating, but seriously, you have some really beautiful photos here, scratches and all!

phi said...

my photographer friend intentionally damages her film in order to get unpreditable scuzzies... we love them.

laura g said...

All beautiful pictures--but I'd say an angry letter is in order! x

Lucy said...

people would pay a lot of money for distressed filters like that! Love these photos

Kate said...

This is so beautiful...Cant take my eyes from pictures.

Magda said...

No, they don't look bad at all... They're fantastic.

DORRA said...

I enjoyed these. Thank you. : )

Mikayla Sweitzer said...

I swear you could take pictures with a digital and they'd still continue being works of art! insanity! you're so talented!

matimuk said...

what a inspiring blog..I really love all your images.. /ti

Unknown said...

Those shots are lovely... even though it must have been frustrating to see your negatives in bad condition when you got them back. Will you be developing your film with them again?

Joy said...

these are so beautiful! you have the best fotos of food EVER.

gfs said...

the scratches do impart a little extra romance to your photos which are always gorgeous.

NIM said...

Lovely pics...The damage adds to the awesomeness :P

Cathy Trails said...

Beautiful,haunting. You've got such a natural talent with photographing food!! I love this blog.


Anonymous said...

Damaged or not, these are beyond gorgeous.

the vanilla bean blog said...

The photos are *gorgeous*. And, I sort of like the scratches. But it sucks that they did a bad job developing them!

Lacey said...

Oh these are wonderful!! I miss film so much. You are re-inspiring me. Could you be more specific about your "645 camera"?...medium format..

And I love food photography too!

Allison Sklar said...

I think the damage gives the film a vintage effect - I actually scrolled through the pictures before reading the original post and thought this had been done on purpose. Absolutely stunning, either way!

- Allison

Stephanie said...

The results are interesting but I would be so angry if I got my film back from the lab and it was damaged. I found a great little place here in SF where I'm comfortable taking my film (I used to develop it all myself but I don't have darkroom access anymore). After seeing this, though, I'm a little paranoid now!

Stephanie (Big Mario Life)