The time has changed. Now it is pitch black by 6 o'clock. It's moderately depressing.
I went back home today to have my dad help me set up a retirement account, by tickets to go see A Christmas Carol and deposit my paycheck. A massive load of laundry was done in the meantime and running a few errands with my mom when she got home from work. A typical day off for me. A guess not really keeping in contact with anyone from high school, going to 3 different colleges and moving often has led my days off to be for errands instead of hanging out with people. Even though I have lived in St Helena for over a year now, I still feel like I don't know anyone here. Besides the people at work.
I've always been a bit of a lone wolf.
Work for me.
After I spent one day photographing my new baby cousin Kai, we ended the photoshoot in the garden of my Aunt and Uncle's house. The have a massive amount of things growing. I came away with a few tomatoes, some type of squash and a few little aubergines. The tomatoes were to go into a salad, the squash could be cut up and roasted, but I didn't know what to do with the aubergines. Besides a ratatouille, have I ever done anything with them? Probably and I'm just not remembering. But those suckers sat in my fridge until I knew I had to use them or toss em.
So after seeing what else was in my always empty fridge, I there was butter and ricotta. A tart it all became.
With many photos....
Aubergine and Ricotta Tart
1 9inch tart
For the dough I used a classic Pate Brisee dough
1 1/4 cup (156g) AP flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1 stick (114g) butter, cold and cubed
a few tablespoons of ice water
Mix the dry ingredients together, then cut in the butter until you have small pea sized chunks. Then I add water by the tablespoon, mixing it, just until it holds together. Then wrap in plastic and chill for 1 hour.
Roll out on a lightly floured surface, to just bigger than your pan. Fit into your pan and cut off any excess.
For the filling I just did about a cup of ricotta mixed with salt and pepper and herbs de provence. Then spread over the crust. Next time I would beat an egg into it. It baked off into a bit of a solid layer for me, so I think the egg would make it stay lighter.
Then I just sliced two small aubergines (eggplants) and fanned then on top of the ricotta. Drizzled it with a bit of olive oil and sprinkled with salt an pepper.
Baked in a 375 degree oven for about 1 - 1 1/2 hour. Ate once cooled.
Not the best thing I have ever made, but good enough to suffice for a meal.

You never fail me with your beautiful... beautiful pictures. An almost empty fridge is the most inspiring thing for me. It really kicks my creativity and makes me come up with the most unexpected ideas and combinations. Love the tart you made .
Oh what a pretty tart!! Great idea, thanks for the recipe!
Such absolutely beautiful, atmospheric photographs.
You live in St Helena? That seems so much closer than Benicia!
You live in St Helena? That seems so much closer than Benicia or San Francisco!
LIBBY! are you back in bodega bay now? I want to see you!
the recipe looks delicious and I will try it; but your pictures omg they are amazing I truly congratulate you for them
This looks so good. I never thought of using eggplant in a tart! I love every single utensil and kitchen item in your pictures! They are all so lovely.
This looks so good. I never thought of using eggplant in a tart! I love every single utensil and kitchen item in your pictures! They are all so lovely.
This photos look like from the cooking magazine, spectacular!
Stunning photos and beautiful tart. Pinned.
this recipe looks delicious and your photos are beautiful! i have plenty of aubergines lying around at the moment so can't wait to try and make this.
such amazing photos! the tart looks incredible. gorgeous colours in the photos - dark yet bright! xo
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