18 February 2013

coffee crumble cookies.

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I made these cookies based off a recipe from work which is a coffee soil. We crumble it up and sprinkle it on top of the butterscotch pudding. I have always loved it, its not to sweet, has a strong espresso taste and is in tasty little chunks. Changing the ratio of a few ingredients then adding a drizzle of melted chocolate make it the perfect little crumbly cookie.

So about a week ago I got an email from May van Millingen, an illustrated in england wanting to know if she could draw some of my photos for the blog. So I checked out her website and my immediate answer was yes! Her style is exactly like something ive always wanted to draw for the blog but ive never been able to actually do. So once I took photos of the cookies and edited them just a bit, I sent a few off to her not knowing how long it would be till I saw the end results. Hoping it wouldn't be too long because patience is not one ofy strongest points. The next day I got these three illustrations back. I love how they came out! My photos are dark and moody and these illustrations are the perfect bright, whimsical counterparts. So this is the start of what I hope is more collaborations to come. Hopefully some illustrated recipes too!

For the past two weeks I've been missing out on a lot of work to be on jury duty. Yup I actually got pick to be on the jury. Me, whose only knowledge of the law comes from seeing every episode of law and order svu, many times over. I have to go again tomorrow and im just hoping its the last day. Just sitting in a jury box for 8 hours is complete torture. Im used to my job where I don't sit down at any time and am always running around our big kitchen.

If you follow me on instagram, you'll see that I just posted a photo of the beginning of a new dining table for me. Two big slabs of eucalyptus from the ranch my boyfriend's mom lives at. We are just sanding them down so the grain shows more, maybe throwing on a stain so it's not so orange/red and he's gunna build a metal frame for the legs. It's going to be awesome to takes photos on. Can't wait to post some more progress.



cookies 2


Coffee Crumble Cookies
yield 2 dozen small cookies

125g powdered sugar
125g almond flour
75g ap flour
30g unsweetened cocoa powder
25g espresso powder
10g coarse salt
200g melted butter
dark chocolate

Oven 350F. Baking sheet lined with parchment.

Whisk together all dry ingredients. Stir in the melted butter until evenly combined.
Scoop out with a cookie scoop or roll into balls and place on baking sheet.
Bake for around 20 minutes until top it dried and crisp.
Let cool completely.
Place the chocolate in a bain-marie (double boiler) and stir until completely melted. Drizzle over dried cookies and let chocolate cool completely.

cookies 3


cookies 4

*All illustrations by May van Millingen


Angela @ the fairy bread chronicles said...

i love how your photos have this distinct style, they're like nobody else's. i love the dark atmosphere of them. i agree, the drawings are such a good complement to your pics, so sweet!

Unknown said...

I had seen photos on Pinterest a minute ago, I could not run to read the recipe. Fantastic! Have a nice day. eleonora

thecitygourmand said...

Gorgeous, love the chocolate splatters all over the cookies...YUM!

Just Another Homeschool Kid said...

Looks super GOOD!

Unknown said...

Veru nice cookies))) I love it)))

Nancie Nelson said...

O wow! love the combo of the photos and illustrations. Your blog is a visual treat.

Caroline said...

Well, your site is just GORGEOUS! I can't wait to try this recipe! :) xxx

Emily (Adeline and Lumiere) said...

These look so good! I look forward to trying them!

Sarah said...

Wow - those drawings are really fantastic. They look almost as good as these cookies.

Unknown said...

Yum! Just printed the recipes! These cookies look fabulous! And I just love your photos! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Can you share the recipe for the coffee soil? It sounds like something we used to put on coffee ice cream when I was younger.

thelittleloaf said...

Would you share the recipe for the original crumble? I really want to make it to top butterscotch pudding after reading this post!

Laura Dembowski said...

Jury duty is always the worst. Hopefully it will be over soon. The cookies look great and the illustrations are super cool.

Olimpia Davies said...

Great cookies, they are perfect for a coffee:-)

Loretta E. said...

Those sketches are such a cool touch! And such an interesting-sounding cookie...Chocolate and coffee belong together!

Unknown said...

The cookies and the illustrations look simply gorgeous! What a neat collaboration! Great job! :)

Blondie said...

Hubba hubba, these look so good.

I actually think I could be equally content eating the cookies or just licking the leftover chocolate from the parchment paper ; )


Anonymous said...

bake for 20 mins??

Frida said...

I tried making them, and failed epically! Could it be there is some ingredient missing? Mine just turned into almost inedible pools of cookie dough without the fluffy effect in the photos above! Lovely photography as always!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures! The cookies look so good, chocolate, coffee and cookies, all my favorite things ;-), those must be very tasty!

Neja said...

Damn, these look too yummy!=)

LBDN said...

Miam, ça à l'air vraiment délicieux !